Many professional archaeologists, graduate and undergraduate students, and community members have contributed to the Pukara Archaeological Project, which I have co-directed since 2000.
2011. Pukara Ethnographic Sala Project. Interviews conducted with David Oshige and Bárbara Carbajal and installation assisted by Matthew Wilhelm.
2010. Excavations. Bárbara Carbajal (co-director & area supervisor); Carol Schultze (lab director); David Oshige & Sarah Abraham (area supervisors); Matthew Velasco, Amanda Garrison, Renata Verdun da Silva Carmo, Nicole Smith (unit supervisors); 2010 UCLA Field School students.
2009. Excavations. Luis Flores Blanco (co-director & area supervisor), Bárbara Carbajal (area supervisor), & David Oshige (area supervisor); Matthew Warwick (faunal analysis); Francois Cuynet, Karl La Favre, Matt Wilhelm, Honorato Ttacca (field crew, mapping); 2009 UCLA Field School students.

2006. Mobile GIS survey. Nancy Román (co-director); Luis Flores Blanco (project collaborator); David Oshige, Bárbara Carbajal, Matt Wilhelm & Honorato Ttacca (survey crew).
2001-2002. Excavations & lab analysis. Leny Pinto (co-director); Cecilia Chávez, Carrie Mason, Sarah Abraham & Adán Umire (Block supervisors); Andy Roddick, Javier Chalcha Saraza, Amadeo Mamani, Honorato Ttacca & family (Excavation & labwork).
2000. Geophysical Survey & Surface Collection: Nathan Craig, Nico Tripcevich, Arleen Garcia-Herbst & George Herbst.